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"Her ability to manage multi-character roles makes Meg one of the best young actors I have worked with"

Sean Aita, Director


Born in Wiltshire, Meg grew up in Asia and the Middle East as well as here in England. She was lucky enough to have members of family working as leading advertising agency executives and travelled the world with her family to follow the evolving global marketing scene.


Meg began acting at a young age in shows put on by her ballet school, before attending schools in Hong Kong, Dubai and South West England and performing in amateur stage productions such as Little Shop of Horrors, Les Misérables & The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.


After her A-Levels, Meg began training at the Arts University Bournemouth in September 2015 where she graduated in Summer 2018. During her time there, Meg gained valuable skills through Voice, Singing and Movement lessons from professional tutors, cultivating a love for Classical texts - which she accredits to tutor and director David O'Shea - as well as an interest in Psycho-Realism and Physical Theatre. She also enjoys working on the other side of the desk, having devised, directed, and stage managed independent projects as well.


Alongside the Stanislavski-based training at AUB, Meg has been trained in a range of other skills such as the LeCoq method of Clowning, puppetry and screen acting, as well as having taken up arms with the British Association of Stage and Screen Combat and qualifying in both Broadsword and Rapier & Dagger.


When not reciting the Bard, Meg spends her time cooking, baking, and knitting (though not all at once). She is a proud literature fanatic and avid amateur historian who is currently working on restoring an antique Singer sewing machine.

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